Calm & Peace - The Space Element


Mind Yoga

You are following a wellness path through your body and have slowly moved up from your feet and into your mind.

The yoga asana have worked on strengthening and regaining flexibility in your lower body and up into your chest. We are now on the final physical practices, your neck and shoulders. Which are directly related to tension and thus stress in your mind. There is marma therapy to explore of the face and neck if you haven't already. I'll guide you to classes in your next "chapter" or chakra. Marma therapy is yoga massage and pressure points and is particularly beneficial for the mind.

But for now enjoy the beautiful yoga asana that open the throat, improve thyroid function and help you find your "true" voice.

Most of us feel we have not enough time, that we are too busy, but often it is only our minds that are busy. It's sad to see how much children now sit, hunched over a screen. Is this you too? Is it time to do a technology detox? You'll find your mind will quieten and you'll start watching nature, the sky, cloud patterns, hear the bird song, smell the roses.

Another way to clear your mind, is to clean and clear your home. This is an important detox too.

You might struggle with boredom and busy thoughts, that's good, take yourself out walking.... slowly. Practice yoga or any other exercise that moves your body slowly, including house "work." Live in your body, not in your head.

Over time you'll feel calmer and more peaceful.

Make space for relaxation. Create a space for relaxation. Get rid of your clutter

We keep our minds busy with books, technology, planning, the past, the future and we miss now.

Our minds want entertainment or should I say distraction?

Our bodies want exercise, fresh air, nourishing food. 

This section of classes is especially helpful for calming your mind.

Many of them are cooling but also energising as the head down postures encourage blood flow to your brain.

Is it time to change your mind?


Is a very subtle element yet we all understand what it is.

There is space within our cells, around us, everywhere.

We are not as solid as we think. Space moves through everything and dissolves barriers.

Finding or feeling the space within you is the Yin of life.

It hums, vibrates, tingles and soothes.

It rejuvanates and replenishes your energy.

When you look carefully you can see that there is more space than solid elements around us.

When you look carefully you can see that there is more space than solid elements around us.

I will recommend a crystal and an affirmation for you if you are being guided through the course.

Crystals and gems form an important part of Ayurvedic Healing and are still used by many people in other societies for healing purposes.

If you would like more information on a crystal or stone - I have a couple of detailed Ayurvedic Healing Books and of course The Book of Stones, I mentioned earlier in the course.

Create more space in the physical world by clearing out your house and living more simply and you will find it more easily within you.

Link for the yoga class in this section.

1/ Cool & Calm - Beginner/Intermediate

 Go back over some of the classes you enjoy. Ask yourself why you enjoy practicing them?

Start to notice how the asana effect how you feel.

Which are your favourites?

Can you practice a few of them throughout your day or in bed?

Why are the classes in this section good for speech?

Why would singing help a sore neck or thyroid problem?

Have you tried chanting or Bhakti Yoga ?

Can you see the connections, the patterns ? 

Ask me questions ❤

Links for teaching meditations for this section

1/Akasha Mudra - Silence of the Void Gesture

2/Turquoise Stone Meditation

Learn to sit quietly and feel the peace within you, with these 10 minute meditations

Turquoise stone meditation finishes with the beautiful bhakti mantra - Om Shanti

I feel peace flowing around me & within me and know it as my deepest self

Make up your own unique essential oil blend

Start to make up your own massage oil blends.

*I'll send you my list for the various chakras. Guided students only

If I have more details on your health patterns and have guided you through the course, I will advise you on what to add to your own unique essential oil blend

Why is the blend for this section Peppermint, Eucalyptus & Chamomile?

Yogic Healing

The image on this bottle tells you which chakra or element it helps balance.

The image on this bottle tells you which chakra or element it helps balance.

Sound Healing - Singing Bowls, chanting & singing are particularly beneficial for your emotional well-being. I write about them often in my Newsletters. Have you started to read them yet?

Bird Song

Work your way through

Weeks 33 - 40 of Bird Song 

Then send me an email ❤

You don't have to answer the questions.

This is not a test. You can't fail, you can only learn more about yourself.

I can guide you on how to make up your own special oil blend.

We will be practicing more self massage & marma therapy in the next section.

Rainbow Teachings




Throat Chakra

Musical Note G

Jalandhara Bhanda

Udana Vayu

Ham pronounced Hummmmmmmmmmm

Meditative Mind have some lovely chants you can join in with on YouTube

Chanting is a quick & easy way to calm your nervous system by extending the exhale. Feel the vibration flow through you and know that it is much more than this simple Western explanation. Each Chakra has it's own chant or Seed Mantra. Explore them all in this sound section.

Silence & Sound

Ready to Learn More

Soft. Immense. Ever changing. 15th July 2022

Lord Stones
July 2022

Lord Stones
July 2022

Three months staying at my family home.

It messed me up again.

It is easier not to visit.

Australia seems a life time away.

The skies here have been so beautiful.

Sky watching has become my favourite meditation.

Not far from the sea Marton-in-Cleveland. Land of the cliffs, so much sky.

The moorlands, the window where I sit.

Misty greys, silver linings, sudden golden light.

Cloudy skies are full of character, depth and beauty.

Life is like that too.

I love this place, family and friends I rarely see and yet I love Australia.

Cloudy skies. I leave tomorrow.

I feel grief. I accept it.

I take good care of my grief.

I take good care of my suffering.

Like the skies my heart expands outwards.

Joy is here too.

Dark clouds, storms, sudden down pours, misty skies, golden light.

Thicht Nacht Hans teachings have helped me to take good care of my suffering.

If I take good care of my emotions, good and bad.

Then who is this "I"

Something limitless.

My true self

Heart & Spirit takes good care of me.

I am ready to start the next uphill, downhill beautiful journey.

Inner Wisdom.

Donations appreciated

The mist maker - Blue Mountains, Australia

The mist maker